Most of us have thought carefully about financial planning for retirement. Fewer think through how they might adjust their home environment to accommodate their changing needs.
As a Senior Real Estate Specialist with over two decades of experience as a prostate cancer patient advocate, I've noticed that while some embrace downsizing, others want to stay in their homes as long as possible.
Strategic planning for aging in place, whether for yourself or an older relative, is key.
Essential needs for independent living include transportation management, financial responsibilities, food shopping, meal preparation, housecleaning, home maintenance, communication management, and medication adherence. I also can’t over emphasize that a robust social network and regular exercise are essential for overall well-being.
Fortunately, numerous local support services are available to help aging homeowners with all of the above needs and skills. Our own San Carlos Adult Community Center is an excellent resource.
Assessing your home or your loved one’s home early on to identify any renovations or adjustments needed to ensure a safe living space for years to come is wise. Some of these alterations can be done bit-by-bit over the course of several years.
Most involve changing your mindset about how and why you structure your home environment. Common alterations include adding handrails or ramps to stairs, renovating bathrooms for easy and safe access to showers and tubs, or reorganizing kitchens and storage areas.
Contact me for an assessment of your home's aging-in-place readiness.